15 MOST Mysterious Discovered Artifacts


As a photographer who loves to travel, I have always been fascinated by the mysteries and wonders of ancient civilizations. From crystal skulls to ancient manuscripts, there are countless artifacts that continue to baffle researchers and spark speculation. In this blog post, we will delve into 15 of the most mysterious artifacts ever discovered, each holding its own secrets and stories waiting to be unraveled.

Crystal Skulls

Crystal skulls have long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue. These precise designs made from various types of quartz have been associated with mystical properties and ancient wisdom. While some believe they are modern forgeries, the origins and purpose of crystal skulls remain uncertain, leaving room for speculation and wonder.

The Shang Shing DUI Bronzes

The Shang Shing DUI bronzes are a collection of impressive artifacts that challenge our understanding of ancient Chinese civilization. With intricate designs and technical abilities far beyond their time, these bronzes shed light on a culture that flourished and disappeared, leaving researchers puzzled about their sudden decline.

The Clerks Dorp Spheres

The clerks Dorp spheres are small round objects that have baffled experts since their discovery. With nearly perfect spherical shapes and high levels of polish, these objects raise questions about their origins and formation, with explanations ranging from natural geological formations to evidence of ancient civilizations or even extraterrestrial activity.

The Roman Dodecahedrons

The Roman dodecahedrons are ancient objects that continue to puzzle researchers due to their unknown purpose. These small hollow objects with 12 flat faces and mysterious spherical bulges have sparked various theories, from religious artifacts to astronomical tools. Despite extensive research, the true function of these dodecahedrons remains a mystery.

The Rongorongo Writings

The rongorongo writings of Easter Island present a unique puzzle for researchers, with a writing system that remains undeciphered. Dating back to the 17th century, these glyphs contain symbols and shapes unlike any other known writing system, leaving experts to speculate on their meaning and purpose.

The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich manuscript is a mysterious text with an unknown writing system that has baffled researchers for centuries. With detailed illustrations and complex symbols, this manuscript raises questions about its origin and purpose, leading to a wide range of theories from a sophisticated hoax to a repository of hidden knowledge.

The Hand of God

The Hand of God, an artifact found at Hadrian’s Wall, offers insights into the religious practices of Roman Britain while raising questions about its true purpose. Believed to be a symbol of divine protection, this bronze hand sheds light on the religious freedom and cultural interactions in the Roman Empire, leaving researchers to ponder its significance.

The Sakara Bird

The Sakara bird is a mysterious artifact from ancient Egypt that resembles a bird with a vertical tail, sparking debates about its technological understanding. While some suggest it represents a glider or ancient aircraft, others view it as a ceremonial object or toy, highlighting the enigmatic nature of this ancient artifact.

The London Hammer

The London Hammer, an artifact encased in rock, has led to debates about its age and origins. Believed to be an ancient tool, its geological formation has fueled speculation about its true age, challenging our understanding of human history and the use of tools.

The Codex Gigas

The Codex Gigas, also known as The Devil’s Bible, is a medieval manuscript that showcases the complexity of religious life in the Middle Ages. With diverse texts and illustrations, including a prominent depiction of the devil, this giant book raises questions about its purpose and the knowledge it contains.

Costa Rica’s Las Bolas

Costa Rica’s Las Bolas, a collection of over 300 stone spheres, remains an archaeological anomaly with their precise craftsmanship and unknown purpose. Despite various theories about their astronomical, symbolic, or religious significance, the true purpose of these spheres created by ancient indigenous cultures remains a mystery.

The Baghdad Battery

The Baghdad Battery, an artifact dating back to 2250 years ago, has puzzled researchers with its potential role as an early form of battery. While some believe it could generate electricity, others remain skeptical, highlighting the ongoing debate about the purpose of this ancient object.

The Big Horn Medicine Wheel

The Big Horn Medicine Wheel, a Native American structure in Wyoming, showcases cultural, spiritual, and astronomical knowledge passed down through generations. Used for ceremonies and spiritual practices, this ancient site continues to be a living cultural site, connecting modern Native Americans with their heritage.

The Copper Scroll

The Copper Scroll, part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, stands out for its detailed list of hidden treasures, sparking debates about its origin and purpose. With cryptic clues and references to valuable items, this ancient artifact remains a mystery, leaving researchers to speculate about its true meaning.

As we explore these mysterious artifacts, we are reminded of the rich history and cultural diversity that have shaped our world. Each of these objects holds a piece of the past, inviting us to unravel their secrets and uncover the stories they have to tell.

Related Questions

1. What are some theories surrounding the origins of crystal skulls?
– Some theories suggest that crystal skulls possess mystical properties and ancient wisdom, while others argue that they are modern forgeries created using modern tools and techniques.

2. How do researchers interpret the purpose of the Roman dodecahedrons?
– The purpose of the Roman dodecahedrons remains a mystery, with theories ranging from religious artifacts to astronomical tools or measuring devices. Despite extensive research, their true function has not been definitively proven.

3. What makes the Voynich manuscript a unique and baffling discovery?
– The Voynich manuscript is known for its unknown writing system and detailed illustrations, leading to theories about hidden knowledge or secrets of the universe. Despite numerous attempts, no one has successfully deciphered the manuscript, adding to its enigmatic nature.

4. How do the Las Bolas of Costa Rica challenge our understanding of ancient civilizations?
– The Las Bolas, a collection of over 300 stone spheres, showcase advanced craftsmanship and precise geometry, raising questions about their purpose and methods of creation. Despite various theories, the true significance of these spheres remains a subject of speculation.

5. What significance does the Big Horn Medicine Wheel hold in Native American culture?
– The Big Horn Medicine Wheel is believed to have been used for astronomical observations, spiritual ceremonies, and connecting with the spiritual realm. As a living cultural site, it continues to be a place of reverence for modern Native Americans, preserving their heritage and traditions.

By Bethany